Reconnecting with our emotions, intuition & instincts draws on our ancient sensory pathways written into the body. We are ancient beings. Sometimes we forget this. Nature helps us remember.
Learning to inhabit our external landscape becomes a metaphor for nurturing our inner fabric or soil. Earth connections invite us to follow & to forge our own wild tracks differently. These trails are vital & unique to each of us.
It is a transformative daily practice. A deeper, intimate & rewarding process reawakens every aspect of our conscious & unconscious life.
Often, we intuit how our footprints rest within deeper imprints. sculpted of soil & bog, fertile mulch, rustling leaves & the rich sediment of leaf & narrative. Stories are written deep into our landscape & psyche. As the wind breathes & the wild grasses flow, often we can feel those pathways reanimate. All it takes is for us to create stillness to tune in & recalibrate.
Yet often, the ways are overgrown. Even if we sense we have trodden this trail before, it can be difficult to navigate.. Creative mentoring in nature help us to rekindle & foster ancient skills. Practical tasks hone sensory atunement. Slowly, as we build our muscle memory, we learn to inhabit our sensory bodies. We also become grounded in landscape..
Freeing locked words, sounds, & voicing silence in creative workshop & retreats starts here. Sensation & imagination helps free a vital quality of empathy, enabling us to creatively intuit & inhabit other lives. By physically tracing wilder trails, nature inspires us to breathe deeply.
Above, on the rocky high crags, smooth scree skitters as deer scatter. In the high restless passes, silence amplifies. A lone cry of eagle, drifts, infinitely free yet watchful. Touching void, helps us to meditate using the raw elements - after, mediating these through empathy, we learn to hone & work our creative craft as a muscle, using natural resources as our source & stimulus. We learn to seek vital essence.
Creative journeying helps us explore each cold rush of air streaming through quivering wing tips. Bright eye meets its other, each seeking an effortless slipstream. Tapping into this source, is liberating We learn to navigate, free & channel our own creative, intuitive impulse. Our wilder voice lives here.
Reading landscape helps us also to journey stronger back into our daily life. Immersion in nature helps us to feel the sentience of other lives. This forms the bedrock of learning ancient skills, vital for intuitive survival and our ability to better thrive in our daily modern life.