
“Listen O heavens, & I will speak;

let the earth hear the words of my mouth. Let my teaching drop as the rain, My speech distill as the dew. As the light rain upon the tender grass, & as spring showers upon the herb.

For I proclaim the Name & Presence of the LORD.

Ascribe greatness & honour to our God Elohim El Rohi: He is the Rock. His Way is perfect.”

Gathering daily His Light of Life …

When you said “Come worship me” I answered, “I will come, Lord.”

When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said to You, “Your face O Lord, I shall seek”

Shepherding His LIVING WORD

All Creation is witness to El Rohi - the Almighty Everlasting Shepherd who is Creator & Sovereign of all existence. In the earth, Christ is WISDOM. His Nature visibly stewards all earth that is by our very nature, of His Immanence, by power of His awesome outflowing Creation Word: I AM WHO I AM.

As we walk in His Presence, our daily life outflows. No scarcity, lack or deficit exists. Seed time & harvest is the foundation of all our earth. Worship & prayer ignites us. In nature, it catalyses us. It refreshes our mindset & heart posture of His LIFE. His Word is alive. His Love is all Source. His Beloved Life, all radiance. Christ is the miracle power supply to & of all Creation. Our existence, finite & eternal, reframes - In Jesus all breath is shepherded; all life is renewed & reborn. Christ is the jewel of Life - the Living Word of our earth.

In Him, the Great Garden is shielded by His Light of Life: HIS CREATION WORD is restored.

“I AM my Beloved & my Beloved is mine”

“I lift up my eyes to the hills - from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD MY SHEPHERD: my God El Elohe Rohi. He does not let my foot slip; He will not suffer me to be moved. In Him I AM secure. He guides & leads me to His Rest. In Him blessings are secure - He IS my daily bread. He makes me lie down in green pastures. The joy of the LORD is my strength. In His Presence is fullness of joy - at His right Hand is all provision. His Creation is His witness. His Love outflows His yield. Thankyou LORD. I receive You. I receive Your blessings for evermore. You satisfy the desire of each living thing - Your open Hand overflows.

The Lord will not sleep nor slumber. It is He who watches over us. His WORD is LOGOS: His Resurrection power extinguishes darkness, fear, shadows. His I AM WHO I AM renews & restores. His LIVING SPIRIT holds you in His Presence that is His Rest. LORD each moment You walk with us. Your Light of Life is within us. The darkness will never extinguish this. Lord You are Holy. O Lord that we are blameless.

Your Love is a Flame of incandescence.

Ignite us.

Be Sovereign of ALL.

The LORD is your shade at your right hand: His Presence is our sun, shield, refuge & fortress. His faithful promises are true. His abundance is visible in all of Creation. The sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD is my shepherd. He loves, walks with & holds me. The Lord will keep you safe & protect you from all harm - He guards & watches over your life; the LORD wove every thread of our Being; He knows each every thought, desire & longing. He watches over each step, our very breath in our coming & going forever - both now & for evermore.

El Rohi: My God I Bless Your Name with all I AM.

In You all I AM is I AM ALL WHO I AM.

LORD: I give You All: all power of my soul, mind: be ALL FLOW, all strength of my life, breath, being.


Psalm 121; Psalm 116; Psalm 23; John 1; Psalm 139